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Writer's picture: Sangeeta HandaSangeeta Handa

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Please read the article: JULY 26th - the SIRIAN-EARTH NEW YEAR






Yesterday, July 25th, was the last day of the Galactic Last Year and celebrated as the "Day Out of Time". 'On this day, each year, like mystical clockwork, the star system “Sepdet”—the “Dog Star”— (known from Latin as “Sirius”) arose over the pyramids of Kemet, and at the same time, the Hapi River (known from Greek as the “Nile River”) overflowed' Dr Shavi Ali

It is interesting to note, SIRIUS is called SEPDET (The Dog Star - which is well known) whilst we know Ancient Egypt was referred to as Khem. Now, the Dogon Race and the Khemtus trace their origin (very wisely) to the Sepdet Star System.

Since the Triple 7 Gateway opening we have been subjected to massive "External Plasma Light" thru Solar Flares and Solar Winds (of the upper level) blasting earth non-stop. We are grateful for these highly pressurized Light energetics as they are quantumly shoving us (literally) into the Zep Tepi, through the ZERO-POiNT stillness, deep deep silence, and emptiness of the arrived LIONS GATEWAY.

We are now into the Center of the ZERO - POINT VOID and therefore into the Capsule of Lord Shiva's MahaKaal - Timelessness. So, suspended are we from today, non-voluntarily, into the compression of NO TIME/NO SPACE.

These "MahaKaal" SHIVA's Energies of the ZERO - POINT are pushing all into the Primary Ascension Timeline of ASCENSION (thru En-Light-enment).

Know that you are being uplifted and ascended into the Greatest Ascension Process, through the Greatest Shift, into the 5th Dimension.

Now, if you have read 'THE AMETHYST TABLET' (and Our writings are directed to those who are onboard with the Temple of God's Will thru having studied each and every Tablet especially scribed for the Blue-Violet Beings on earth) you must activate thru recitation each day your - Antahkarana (as the Tablet has described), your Rod of Power, your Kundalini.

Be alert of your Special Powers (The Amethyst Tablet), be aware of your Personal Mission and your Divine Mission. Be fully activated each day. Be Divinely Protected each day - you shall receive all the Blue Ray Decrees of Protection, Activation, Ascension in the next BLUE RAY 1 BEINGS TABLET, yet under construction.

Furthermore, on our social media page We frequently post updates. Last one asked of each, how they were/are feeling and the common symptom mentioned and reiterated was Depression. Now, this depression can be mistaken as the cabal caused, imposed depression thru Lack which has become generic in human DNA by now and, is a medical issue or condition. It is purported that nearly all of the human race is under depression today. And someone mentioned he is above such medical cand cabal depression to which We responded (in order to clarify the difference)

"I wish to clarify here - DEPRESSION - which is a fall-0ut of Emptiness due to the support from the External Plasma Light is NOT the medical depression caused by the Cabal, which is what Rich Rie is referring to above. Light Depression is an effect caused thru emptiness and, being empty from all 3D drama, density, disease, destruction, and death. This Depression is an ASCENSION SYMPTOM - and is welcomed understood and Risen Above with the knowledge of this. Thank you." So please note: what you are feeling is the EMPTINESS of the ZEP - TEPI the ZERO - POINT energies, which are now getting progressively heightened thru the advent and opening of the LionsGateway. So be aware and recite the JOY MANTRA. Make this mantra automatic upon your tongue - as soon as you feel you are slipping, quickly 'abort the fall' by reciting the Joy Mantra. Do not allow yourself to descend to the fatal and lethal Titanic depths as you would then become compressed - as the submermissive Titan did!


" I AM in the VIBRATION of JOY! "

" I AM the VIBRATION of JOY! "

" I AM JOY! "

" I AM EN - JOYING JOY at all times, eternally! "

Now, why is the JOY MANTRA so important? Joy is the non-dual energy, Quality of the 5th Emerald Green Ray. This Ray is associated with the 3rd Eye Chakra of Lord Shiva's psychic powers. Very potent higher chakra and ray! Joy is the Consciousness of God. If you can still your mental and emotional rumble by enforcing the entry and anchoring of JOY, or at least re-instill it each time you slip into depression or chaos, you shall be infallibly safe on 'Your Path' to Ascension as all other entropies shall fall-off from your Pathway automatically. Each human's desire should be to capture GOD CONSCIOUSNESS and never let it go - dont allow It to go off for a walk somewhere - maybe into your neighbour's bioshell :-)



Now, are you ready for the Grand Majestic Opening of the


This is what the BlueViolet Beings on earth wait for each year - the Home Coming! This year has been ultra special because of the Triple 7 Portal month (of July).

The Universe has been preparing us with the Blue Rays streaming thru the Solar Flares and the Solar Winds. "The External Plasma Light" (ps refer to The Amethyst Tablet) has been powerful in impact to push forward the Primary TimeLine of Ascension for all ready to ascend higher.

Remember, the LION stands for certain Virtues of the Blue Ray - Strength, Courage, Royalty, Integrity, Purpose, Fearlessness, and Faith coupled with Beauty and Power. The Consciousness of the formidable Lion represents the Will, the Power, and the Divine Protection of God!

Lion Consciousness is the Frequency of the BlueViolet Beings on earth right now. Embrace it; Adorn it; Exhibit it!

The "Power" of God stands upon the foundation of humility and grace. Yes, Power can be graceful just as it must be humble! And. Ironically, and paradoxically, humility and grace can appear arrogant. Even Ferocious! Just as a Lion looks arrogant and fierce. But, its not the arrogance as 3D knows it to be - it is the gaze and personality radiance of BEing in the KNOWing.

Truth can appear, misconceptionally, as arrogant. But in truth, Truth is a reflection of 'dread and awe' though being non-dual in essence. Dread of not being able to defeat Truth; and at the same time (not even on the flip side but on the same side (since it has no flip side)) Truth inspires Awe - admiration of its undefeatable Strength!

And that is the LION CONSCIOUSNESS of Sirius! Truth, Strength, the Deep Deep Silence, decisive Penetration, along with qualities of Fierceness and Gentleness - no flip side!

You are all these Qualities! Be proud of them! Wear them with Humble Pride and feel the Honour of being part of the majestic Frequency of the ZERO-POINT, the ZEP TEPI !

Recite the Mantras you received free with "The Final Appointment With Destiny" from Thoth and Seshat. They are meant to be recited and decreed now.

Get ready to welcome the Home Coming upon earth as Sirius opens its Gateway to Earth!

~~~(from our social media post, a few days ago)~~~~

Lastly, We request: If you wish to share any article and webpage from this website, please feel free to do so by posting the LINK to the article or webpage. But. "Please do not" - copy any text, any photos and post them on your social media platforms as Your article! In the House of GOD (this website) there in NO COPYRIGHT however, there is a natural requirement and expectation of Integrity! Thanking you!

The FACE of


The FACE of









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29 lug 2023
Valutazione 5 stelle su 5.

Thankyou dearest BlueRay SisStar I appreciate your blogs with feelings of home,recognition of our innate wisdom.

I confess the posting on FB wich resonate,and always put your name or link 😊...I post these for my Italian and Dutch family who don't speak or read the English language, so they can translate on FB.

I'm sorry,I didn't want to share these as if they are mine.

Hope you accept my confession😉🙏

Loving joyfull hug🤗Renata from the Netherlands 🇳🇱

Mi piace

28 lug 2023
Valutazione 5 stelle su 5.

Dearest Sangeeta, The Lions Gateway, Sirius onto planet Earth: how delicious and wonderful and awe inspiring this is! The power of the Violet Blue Ray beings/Lion's face are truly formidable. It must take a good hour to 'do' that hair :)) however, as it stands, this is most likely their natural divine state! I feel the power rolling off these great beings and indeed the roar is felt!

Thank you ever so much for the support and endless giving of your good self whilst writing these posts. It is as if you are scribing directly to us whom follow and listen. And of course you penned just that!

Question: is this gateway open until 8/8 through to 8/12? The decre…

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Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
26 lug 2023

Dear Onederful Beings of Light, thank you for your loving comments however, I dont know who sent them. Pls try to make the effort to leave your name as well so I can respond to you personally. Otherwise, no probs. Thks and God Bless each one of you who took the time to respond with kind here!💓

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26 lug 2023
Valutazione 5 stelle su 5.

Thank you for giving us timely messages at all times!

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26 lug 2023
Valutazione 5 stelle su 5.

Awe I so Love the Joy Mantra !! I anchored It In my heart as a daily now in each moment !! Thank you Sangeeta ! Much love from my heart to yours !!!

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