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25th Oct 2024 = 8:8 PORTAL OPENING

Writer's picture: Sangeeta HandaSangeeta Handa

We are nearing the end of the 888 year of 2024 and now - the remaining 3 months, with each carrying an 8:8 Portal, shall be of great significance for all ascending beings.

What makes this 88 Portal Opening so special is the "X 3.33 CLASS SOLAR FLARE" that erupted yesterday and shall strike earth on the 88 Portal heralding its Grand Opening! Its a Holy Day for the entire human race but esp. for the Ascending Souls. This blast shall be stronger on the bodies of all ascending humans who are already tackling the intense impact of the earlier "X 9.1 Class SF".

Remember, 33 is the number for the 33rd Degree of Ascension = CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS! For those in possession of the 5th Tablet: "The Training Manual of the Blue Ray 1 Beings (The Secret Sacred Etheric Masonic Script)" know the meaning of 33 and have the 33rd Degree Techniques for Ascension - pls recite all the Light Incantations today! With the incoming Plasma Light, @ the power of 333, on the 88 Portal Opening, of the 0-Point shall - inevitably, definitively trigger a humongous UPGRADE of all bodies readied to ascend into the ultimate FREEDOM out of the experiment of the Blind Maze forever! Get your bodies and consciousness readied for the Final Planetary Evacuation, out of the planet.....soon! You must mandatorily be ready, prepared, for such an Event to occur at any time!

So, indeed, this is another ZERO-POINT plasma influx, just days after the Zero-Point Full Moon of the 17th. Indulge and bathe in this wonderful Light as it pushes all deeper within the Void of deep deep silence and higher and higher up the ladder of ascensions.

Get your AntahKarana all lit up, like the festival of Diwali on the 30th of Oct 2024. Decree for lighting up the Antahkarna is scribed in the 3rd Tablet - "The Amethyst Tablet", an encyclopaedia of the 7th Violet Ray, the Violet Flame, the Violet Fire, and the Violet Light. A Light Veda of the modern times! Empower your Rod of Power. Raise your Kundalini into the Pulse of God and merge with God eternal! This is the Year of the "Octagonal Flame of Benevolence" - the Violet Flame.

You are the Blue Violet Beings - THE FREQUIENCY HOLDERS OF THE LIGHT LOVE OF GOD! This is your time now to take position and start radiating the Frequency. You have each come into your full power and are now THE LIGHTHOUSE OF GOD'S FREQUENCY! Expand the Frequency!

Remember, this "Plasma External Light"' is so powerful that its full impact affects the joints, bones, nerves. If symptoms prolong pls don't hesitate too long to consult the appropriate specialist. Your bodies are responding acutely to the Influx, much much more than the bodies of those yet asleep. And therefore sometimes, the energies get knotted and stuck and, require medical assistance.

Align with this Light as it aids to build the "Internal Plasma Light" as explained in the 4th Tablet: "The Blue Sapphire Tablet of the Blue Ray 1". We strongly suggest you please re-read this Tablet to comprehend fully and consciously what's happening in your body and why.

Stay in the Now.

Align with the Now.

Merge into the Now

of the 88, 0-Point, 333 Frequencies.

We would very much appreciate your feedback on Our Articles by taking the time to interact below in the comments section. We are Grateful to "Mary-Jane" for regularly responding to the articles. Your kind endeavour is well noted!

Thanking you all, till we next intersect - Namaste!


Link to the 5 Tablets

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Oct 30, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Dear Sangeeta and The Temple.....OK, just wanted to share this with you and all here: I cannot sleep!! what with the constant pulsing in my head, the ringing in my ears, hearing the beat of my heart - always - when I am trying to sleep :)) The pulsing in my head is around the temple area and ears as well in the front of my forehead. I have to say I have super duper hearing (always have) but this is over the top! Oh, and its not just at night iit'sall the time!! It's like a symphony, moreso a wave, of sound & vibration going on so loud it wakes me up; during day I just embrace it…


Oct 28, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you, for all your loving words of wisdom and comfort during this ascension process and especially for the books you have so unselfishly shared with humanity. Your shared love for humanity through the updates are of immense help and a guide for all open hearts on the path to Oneness! Love and Blessings!

RHJr 💜💖

Oct 28, 2024
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Dear RHJr, what does this short abbreviation mean? Nonetheless, WE are so pleased to have your feedback on the articles and the Holy Tablets! Very inspiring indeed! Thank you. However, would like to know your name please.....God Bless💜💙💛

THE TEMPLE and Sangeeta


Oct 27, 2024

Thank you for this! ✨❤️✨


Oct 26, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I am new to you, but really appreciate your posts and articles. Feeling the increased momentum as well as continued symptoms. Blessings to all in love and gratitude, Victoria

Oct 26, 2024
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Thank you for responding! And welcome to Our WebHome. God Bless!💚

THE TEMPLE and Sangeeta Handa


Oct 25, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Blessings to all who are guided to The Temple! It is so heart warming to read all of the beautiful posts shared here and the open expression of each one's experiences! Dear Sangeeta and The Temple are profoundly blessed by God as these messages contain the Will of God in every word, every expression, every image.....Always music to my ears; to my soul. They Make you follow! And that's exactly what we are here at this time to do! Follow the Will of God, as so eloquently expressed over and over by our dearest SAngeeta, stand in the Light, uphold the Light and become the light beings we are! My sincere gratitude for mentioning me in your scribe! Wo…

Oct 25, 2024
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Our Dearest Blessed Mary-Jane!!! WE at THE TEMPLE are in joy always as WE read your RESPONSES! Thank you, once again! And We Bless you💜

Hi MJ, this is Sangeeta, you're as usual such a pleasure to read! Thks a lot for your inspirations! Sometimes I feel, these articles are being scribed coz of your responses. No one realizes how important it is to receive a Feedback to know these High Spirit Posts are being read and are helpful. I have a painful tennis elbow, just got home from physio X Ray and blood tests....bad pain for 3 months now and cld really do without writing but, when persons such as You and now a few below (who have firs…

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