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The New Causal Matrix for earth could not be laid but, work is under construction.

Writer's picture: Sangeeta HandaSangeeta Handa

The outer (6D) shell of the New Matrix looks like a network with hexagonal cells, inside which different apps are embedded.

So, what transpired on the fated 23rd March, when Pluto entered Aquarius at the most powerful Degree of ZERO?
Immense volumes of highly coded Intelligent Light burst onto earth and earthlings. There were two Portals pouring in enormous quantums of flow - the Equinox Portal and the Zero Degree. The inflow was so powerful that it wringed out, squirted, squeezed out such a humongous chunk of 'negative, destructive and chaotic energies' from the earth and its inhabitants that it overwhelmed the entire system and completely thwarted the anchoring and activation of the New Causal Matrix. It entirely blocked the whole operation.

If you have read "The Voice of Silence" you know how Lord Sanat Kumara (the then Logos of earth) needed to consume the entire planet and become it to qualify for becoming and holding the dignity of a Logos. This is in too simple and rudimentary a language that I describe it here since the above mentioned Tablet has elucidated it in the absolute clarity required. Taken that you have all read it, as what I write in Tablets cannot be reiterated anywhere else, I always take the bar higher (or on level) from the Tablets already scribed. So, the New Matrix too first needed to be loaded into the Logos of the planet before its anchoring upon earth. Now, as far as I have understood (since it is a bit too complicated for human comprehension) it was required to be primarily uploaded into Lord Buddha and Lord Sanat Kumara. But they had to abort the entire operation on the third dimension. However, it was successfully anchored and activated on the 4D and 5D plane where it is in full operation.

But, what is good news is (2-fold): Firstly, large volumes of the negative vibration on earth was removed. What is shocking; though it should not be; is the amount of hatred, anger, aggression, war-like emotions, and toxicity that exists on earth and runs the matrix on earth! The uprising of which was so immeasurably huge that it paralyzed all endeavours of the Logos to anchor and activate the New Abundance Matrix altogether! However, earth's atmosphere is definitely that much lighter now. Second good news is that a Temporary New Matrix was launched in its place and all Cosmic effort is being undertaken to allow the launch of the Permanent New Causal Matrix.

Had earth not been submerged in such amplified negative and destructive anomalies the Light Mission to ease the sufferings on earth would not have been negated! The LIGHT had to urgently intervene and halt all activities of its Providence to prevent irreparable consequences of any further destruction and its resultant uncontrollable mayhem thereafter!

However, the continuation of this magnificent and magnanimous operation is underway and you shall be kept informed.

In addition, the wonderful confirmation we received from the last post thru another light being on earth was correct as she saw the Higher Light Hierarchy pouring-in volumes of beautiful God's Light. This was the enormous light that did burst upon earth thru the 2 Portals, as described above. What no one saw coming, thereafter, sadly, was the purged effect - the obvious rising of the dirt when you broom a space! What shocked everyone involved was the "size of the destructive energies" that rose up! This is indeed the darkest planet!

I know you are wearied and exhausted. I have expressed this to the Light. Its so easy for the Dark to have effect on earth but for Light to anchor, it's an uphill task! They know. Let us continue raising our light and eventual Victory shall be ours!

Shall keep you updated. Stay subscribed and please share all our posts.

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Mar 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This makes complete sense, thank you for sharing. We figured out on Friday that the old programs must first be neutralized before a new program can be activated. You cannot just switch from one program to another. We all have "mother cells" within us at all times which are not currently running any programs. These mother cells carry all the potential programs within them and are awaiting activation of whichever program a particular cell is assigned to run. The new matrix incorrectly did not seek out the mother cells to activate the new matrix, but instead attempted to convert cells that were already running a program. They now know to either first neutralize the cells running the old matrix to…

Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Mar 30, 2023
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In consonance. Yes, The LIGHT too is learning thru its experiment. Thats true. Thank you for clearing your view point! And please do continue participating thru your comments and feedback. I suppose the "volume" of negativity the cascade wld throw up wasnt expected....and ne'er can it be pre-estimated afore. I am always told - if I ask about a prediction - that humans have the FreeWill and therefore no prediction can be made. Similar was the case with the event.


Mar 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Sangeeta I felt what you describe above I didn't know what this means. gratitude for your connection and you posting clarity. much gratitude for the army of our brothers and sisters, together we will succeed creating Heaven on Earth !! Much love from my heart to all !! 💚


Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Mar 27, 2023


Mar 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Dear Sangeeta,

It is with deep gratitude I share with you and all my feelings of respect for your post. It clarifies what I have been experiencing since that great day of the 23rd of March 2023. Whilst in meditation I saw these 'particles' streaming in as codes or what looked like numbers'. I thought it was pretty amazing! Thereafter a complete stillness. What you describe above is sadly, a slippage or uneasiness I have been feeling presently. Thank goodness for your explanation! It is truly incredible and outrageous the Dark belching out of our beautiful planet. May she regain her divinity very very soon! Thank you so much for expressing our sense of weariness to the Lig…

Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Mar 27, 2023
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My dearest Mary, thank you so much for sharing the above! Yes, the Light Information Codings appear as numbers. You saw correctly! And the stillness was coz of the reason mentioned in the post. I think you got ur confirmation! Lots of Love from the Temple.💜💜💙💙


Mar 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Churnjit Maumi

You are spot on Sangeeta.

We all incarnate with freewill.

When the dark age started, this level of depravity was not scripted.

Turning around the madness will take a little longer than expected.

Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Mar 27, 2023
Replying to

Well spoken indeed!!!!💜💜💙💙

Created by
Sangeeta Handa  Umesh Shah

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