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THE COBRA PORTAL: latest update

Writer's picture: Sangeeta HandaSangeeta Handa



Friday, December 27, 2024

"P touchdown, ATVOR sequencing stable"



Don't wish to be lost in translation however, this makes me feel - ITS HUGE!

ATVOR TECHNOLOGY is based on the technology whereby THE PILLAR OF GOD'S WILL REACHES EARTH, BYPASSING ALL DENSITY AND, CAN "TOUCHDOWN" WITH THE FULLNESS OF ALL GOD'S PURE LIGHT! That which then TRANSMUTES THE EARTH INTO THE REAILTY OF 'ONE POWER' AND THEREBY, EARTH BEGINS TO MIRROR 'THE ONE'. Much like the Divine Plan wld then be anchored: 'As it is in Heaven, so shall be on earth!'. This Atvor Technology of transmission, transmutation, compression was actually anchored on earth In April of 2012, and became operational from Dec 21st, 2012 - the time the Great Shift tangibly began its journey toward THE EVENT!

It has taken full 24 years for all 'Primary Plasma Anomaly', both linear and non-linear, to be obliterated from earth. Remember, Anomaly (Evil) is the opposite of Absolute (God).

When this happens successfully, it means, the ET's of our 'planetary Light-Lineage history' can land thru this Pillar onto earth. This wld entail a Breakthrough - the commencement of THE EVENT!

"P Touchdown" - could it mean - The Pleiadean's Touchdown?

In my assessment, we are absolutely in proximity of something SPIRIT(ually) NEW about to happen! Maybe, earth is now readied to receive "The Pillar of God's Light (Will)" as 'The TouchDown'.

Cobra won't provide a new post till his Japan workshop is, its a wait perhaps of a week, or more, after the new year.

Could we be 'that' near


In his last elaborate post, Cobra mentioned -

" January 6th: Neptune conjunct Uranus / Pluto midpoint. This aspect will bring a harmonious spiritual energy to the surface of the planet" ---- our next Portal Opening.

Is that when something, as mentioned in this (present) post, could manifest tangibly?

Do leave your comments below

Inter-Planetary Galactic Races
Thank you

Sangeeta Handa

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Dear Sangeeta, as I continue to hold dear to my heart the 5th Tablet, as well, continually re-read the other treasured Tablet(s) I came across a thought that I would like to share with all; a nudge really. The Sapphire Tablet page 22 describing the Imperical Equation and previous pages outlining the Universes, down to the Galaxies: Each time I look at our Milky Way Galaxy I see (very clearly) the shape of a dolphin! Doesn't matter how many times the image of the Mily Way comes up I see the same beautiful dolphin. On another note, I do look so much forward to your next post! Love you dear! 💙💜



Dear Sangeeta, was suffering a terrible migraine but read this shortly after you posted it. I too read Cobra's post about those dates mentioned and thought the same thing! Wow! we are heading right into the core of this event (was my takeaway). 'Cautiously optimistic' as you have previoiusly penned....the planetary alignment of these forces on January 6th! I am prayiing that this manifest too! As Earth moves as One with the benevolent energies of these beautiful Galactic Beings so shall we as One. Blessings and with much love, MJ



Interesting. My own Intel at this time is that because Earth has now shifted towards the Positive Polarity and entered a higher timeline , this rendered a lot of negative entities homeless so they were speeding out towards Mars to escape whats coming. Hence lots of Orbs coming from Atlantic ocean and heading out.

BUT, Cabal (or the Powers that once were) who don't want to give up their control and power, are summoning these negative orbs back to help them for the one final last showdown. Hence they've been hovering everywhere trying to lower back down the High Vibration of Earth people and messing with timelines. I have been feeling this too as its messing up my internal compass…

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