On May Ist, 1684, Saint Germain (through his knowledge of alchemy and its applications on self) attained "Physical Ascension" (immortality and eternal youth – The 6th Initiation), at which time Francis Bacon adopted the name "Saint Germain".
Francis Bacon made it appear that he died on Easter Sunday, 9 April 1626 (and even attended his own funeral in disguise) however, he (the William Shakespeare then in disguise), if truth behold, traveled instead secretly to Transylvania (Romania) to the Rakoczy Mansion. The Violet Flame was then anchored in the mountains of Transylvania....but now it isn't (pls refer to "The Amethyst Tablet - by Sanctus Germanus) to know where it has been transferred.
The Great Being Whom we know and honor as Saint Germain made His Ascension in 1684. For many centuries He had worked to bring Freedom to mankind, taking embodiment again and again, endeavoring to stimulate the desire for Freedom in the people of the various countries of the world. His special Quality is FREEDOM, and He is the Ascended Master in charge of the next 2000 year Cycle which will be known as the 'ERA OF FREEDOM'. Moreover, just as Jesus was in charge of the Christian Dispensation over the past 2000 years, so does Ascended Master Saint Germain now have the privilege, honor and responsibility of bringing FREEDOM to every part of life, human, elemental and imprisoned Angels, during this coming Cycle of 2000 years. There will come a time when age, sickness, poverty, and distress, of every kind will be no more - and even the so-called death too shall disappear.
From the time of Saint Germain's Ascension in 1684, He made preparation to become "Chohan of the Seventh Ray". In the year 1786, He took over this Office from Lady Master Kwan Yin, and again from that time onwards - until May 1st 1954 - He prepared for the tremendous responsibility of becoming the 'Cosmic Director' and the 'Commander-In-Chief' for the coming 2000 year Cycle.
Once every 2000 years, a New Ray strikes the earth; and as this Cosmic Wheel turned (requiring 14000 years for one complete revolution), the Chohan who became the Representative of the New Ray was crowned the 'Cosmic Authority' for the evolution of the planet and its people. The SIXTH RAY, under the supervision of Beloved Ascended Master Jesus, completed its service on January Ist 1954 and, allowing for an overlapping of a few months, the SEVENTH RAY officially began Its Cosmic Outpouring on May Ist, 1954. The Activity from 1930 to 1954 was a preparatory activity - a John the Baptist endeavor!

May 1st, 1954,
The great
of transferring the
Crown, Scepter, Sword, Vestment of the Officiating Chohan,
from the then Ascended Master Jesus,
to the new Chohan, the
Ascended Master SAINT GERMAIN,
took place!
The Crown; that symbolizes this Authority; came to earth with the first of mankind to embody - upon the Head of Archangel Michael and, since then, every 2000 years it was transferred to the Authority of the succeeding Ray. Thus, in 14,000 years the 7 Presiding Chohans would each wear it for 2000 years. It is therefore, 14000 years since a Chohan of the Seventh Ray wore this Crown.
Every Member of the Light Hierarchy then came forward, in order of rank and
knelt - before the new King Saint Germain,
gave Allegiance and offered some specific blessing from their own life!
Angels and Elementals did likewise and,
extending down through the human kingdom, ALL knew of this Cosmic Event!

The Descension of the Cosmic Outpouring of the 7th RAY upon earth : May I, 1954
The Service of the 7th Ray is to teach men how to transmute mistakes by engaging the VIOLET FIRE, and to inspire them with a desire to live a purer, cleaner, and happier way of life. The VIOLET FIRE, and its Mighty Transmuting Power, is the Divine Tool by which this can be done in a painless way and thru remote application.
The Seventh Ray is the Ray of Transmutation, of Sublimation, and also of Magnetization; for within the beating Flame (in your heart and within every cell in your body) is the power to magnetize Light; and the Light which you magnetize becomes yours to qualify and direct into the Universe for good or ill. You qualify it by your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and acts, and that Light, moving in the irrevocable Circle, sweeps out and then back to its creative center - YOU - for redemption.
Beloved Blessed SANCTUS GERMANUS has crafted a HOLY ENCYCLOPAEDIA on the VIOLET RAY 7, the VIOLET FIRE. The first of its kind on earth. One that every human must possess in his Sacred Library and upon his Altar of Worship. One day, this mighty LIGHT VEDA shall adorn every Violet Temple and every School of Learning!
of the New Cycle of the 7th Ray
Dear Sangeeta, a very wonderful colorful artistic message and recap of Beloved Saint Germain! When I call upon the Sacred Violet Fire and the Sacred Violet Flame, I add that I call upon Beloved Saint Germain and my Beloved Spirit Guides! I hope that 'they' hear me! I look forward to the manifestation on our beautiful planet the Sacred Violet Temple(s) where any and all can 'see' the actual flame and meditate in its presence. That would be a true miracle! Most grateful as always, for your posts.
Love to you and The Temple, Blessings Mary-Jane 💜
Va multumesc cu iubire si recunostinta 💜!